Monday, September 18, 2006

Going Gray

Nate is a worry wart. If all is sunny in the world, he will find something to stress over. He is currently worried about getting old, specifically gray hair. A few months ago, as I mentioned, my Grandma died. Nate was reassured that people die when they are ,"very, very, very old."

A few days ago, he saw someone with gray hair and asked about it. I told him that peoples' hair turns gray as they get older, and that Grandma has gray hair and Bubbe has gray hair, and that I would get gray hair in a few years. (I then had to add that Grandma and Bubbe put special, "paint chemicals" in their hair to make it brown.) He thought about it for a few minutes, that sobbed, "I don't want you to die. I will miss you!"

He definitly equated gray hair=old=death. Though, I am sure many women feel that way when plucking their first gray roots, I had to comfort him that bodies change as they grow. Then we had a long talk about how his body had changed as he had grown. We looked at pictures from his baby photo album and compared his baby body to his current body. No hair, fat, wiggly arms, no teeth, much shorter.

I love and I hate these parenting moments, because they how insight into his mind and allow us to share a teachable moment. But, they also remind me of how in control I am of his perceptions and his phenomenology. It is a scary and powerful thing to be a teacher and parent.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Preschool Politics

Nate has been in school a full week now and he seems to like it. Several of the children in his class were also in his class last year. One of the girls was a big admirer of Nate's last year and we had one or two drop-off playdates with her, despite Nate inexplicably professing his dislike for her.

He had told me clearly that he was not interested in playdates with her, but I overrode him since I am friendly with her mother. I was fascinated to watch their interactions during the playdate expecting to see her annoy Nate or be otherwise ubnoxious. However, she was totally sweet and adorable in her attempts to engage Nate in play. Nate however totally ignored her and gave her the cut-direct as he played with other toys. For the life of me, I could not see what his problem with her was, but it was clear he wanted nothing to do with her.

So, they are together again, and apparently, she is begging her mom for Nate playdates and talking about Nate. Nate, however, was unimpressed and said he was "too busy with work for a playdate with her. He could however take some time off for a playdate with Ben or Oren. "

Now, what do I do? I smile politely and noncommitally each time the mom mentions a playdate, cause how can I tell her that my son does not like her friendly and adorable daughter! Any ideas? help!

I also find it amusing that girls always seem to choose the wrong guys for them. Somewhere in the preschool, there is a little boy begging his mom for playdates with Nate's spurned girlfriend!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Chubby Chase Day!!

I love my neighborhood. The other day, the boys & I walked (not drove) to Ct. Ave to get them a haircut, return our library books, buy some sneakers & grab some lunch. How lovely to walk and do all our errands on 2 blocks.

Though DC is a large and diverse community, walking through our neighborhood feels like Smalltown USA. We ran into 3 friends out walking their errands too, and to our delight ran into friends at lunch and were able to join them to eat.

After spending a week in Los Angeles, my love for DC and my neighborhood was renewed two-fold. I forgot what a big concrete jungle LA is. You have to really search for beauty and green serenity. It felt like we were always in a car, and you could not even walk a few blocks to run errands. Even driving on the Beltway here is so much prettier thanks to green medians and tree surrounds.

But, getting back to my neighborhood, today was Chevy Chase. Or, "Chubby Chase Day" as Nate called it. A good chunk of the community gathered at the main st. to watch a parade and bounce on moonbounces and paint faces. All the stores had sidewalk sales & the restaurants had cheap deals. We had perfect weather and we had a ball. Ironically, I only ran into one friend. We even got to schmooze with all the mayoral and ward 3 candidates. I have met the top 3 candidates for mayor, so it will feel very personal whoever wins since I have met him or her. (though personally I am rooting for Marie Johns. To learn why I am rooting for her, see her website at

OK, off my soap box now, I have to go get Nate ready for his 1st day of school tomorrow!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The former USSR on Northampton St.

My boys have really wide feet. I can't go to the local Payless and spend $12 on character shoes for them. Oh no, nothing but Stride Rite or Geox for my little darlings' toesies. At $50/per I like a little fashion for my money.

Nate is outgrowing the need for light-up fire trucks and dinosaurs. Jacob is growing into that phase. So, when my boys need shoes, like most Upper NW moms, I head for the local kids shoe store on Northampton St. You all know where I am talking about.

The store is an institution. I think most DC NW kids get their first pair of Robeez or walkers there. However, recently, I have come to the conclusion that this store is like restaurants in the Soviet Union in the Eighties.

As a child, my husband traveled with his family to the USSR. Think Cold War, Glasnost, just starting. Matt told me that they would go to restaurants with 3-4 page detailed menus, but when they went to order, only 2-3 things would actually be available.

That has been my experience everytime I shop for shoes at this particular store. They have walls and walls of choices, but never actually the shoe I want in the right size. I always end up with some plain ugly white leather sneaker.

Today I resisted the temptation to just buy them anyway. I stood firm and said, "No, thanks!" So, now I am headed to the River Road shoe store with the Rocket shoe (you know the one). Or, I may try New Balance.

Wish me luck.