Monday, March 06, 2006

Bratty McBrat

Help, my 3 year old has been body snatched and replaced by whirling dervishes on crack. If anyone remembers the movie Gremlins, that is what he reminds me of by the afternoon. He moves with Category 5 Hurricane destructive force towards everything in the house.

I am sitting right now typing amongst a 2 foot high pile of tissues pulled from the box, multiple socks stolen from his baby brother's feet, my previously well-ordered tax forms now in a mishmash pile, a sticky puddle of grape juice (despite the no eating in the living room rule), once clean laundry dumped from the basket, random toys that lost their way from the play room, a monkey hanging from the plant, and muddy red rainboots.

I cannot summon the energy to get up and straighten this mess up, and I clearly did not have the energy to prevent any of the previous from happening. I just couldn't say no and mean it today. Well, I meant no, but I lacked the backbone to back up any consequences, so Nate had another day of ruling the roost. There are days when we click and we are dressed and out the door for adventures, and there are days, like today, when we sit in our pjs all day watching Maisy and eating snacks, not regular meals.

I think it is the best thing about parenting; I am allowed days like today. I won't get fired. I just have to be careful to put my foot down and maintain the parent role more days than I don't. And now I will end this boring post, I just wanted to share some mundane and frustrating details of parenting. My previous posts painted a picture of a mother in total control and doing her job with ease. While I do think I am doing a good job, I know I have my off days- today is one of them.

In totally unrelated news, I was so excited to see all the other moms of young kids at the Oscars last night. Go Reese- mother of two toddlers & Oscar winner; Rachel Weisz, 7 months pregnant & radiant; Jennifer Garner- a few weeks post partum and looking healthy, not like she had a tummy tuck along with delivery.


Anonymous said...

While I do think I am doing a good job, I know I have my off days- today is one of them.

Larry and I comment on this all time - we think you're a fantistic parent and we'd switch kids with you any time! Of course, I'm not sure how Jacob would look in a pink dress...

Lynne Silver said...

Thanks- spoken like a true S-i-L