Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Office Politics

Gossip seems to be human nature. In sixth grade it's all about who likes each other. In eleventh grade, it's who slept with each other. Same goes for college. When you graduate to an office environment, bed-partners remains a top subject, but in the interest of professionalism, much discussion occurs about work-place politics. Cubicle placement, firings, hirings, promotions etc... all come under the scrutiny of employees.

So what happens when women, who have been in the workplace leave? What do they discuss? Well, as one of those women, I can tell you...Pre-school politics. We hash it all under our plastic, safety microscopes. In fact, I just recieved an email, hot off the presses, about class placement in Nate's preschool.

One teacher left for personal reasons. The director shifted around classes and teachers and class names. There will be emails and phone calls flying tonight regarding the changes and hypothesis about class placement and the right place for our child.

So, for all those worried about women leaving the workforce in droves. Do not fear. We are keeping our skills sharpened for our eventual return.


Anonymous said...

But gossip is good for you, so it's all okay.


Anonymous said...

now this should link...
