Sunday, October 07, 2007

Even the best laid plans.

If any of you were at Imagination Stage today for the 12:30 production of Jungle Book, the shrieking, crying kid was mine. Matt is out of town (surprise surprise) so I decided to treat the boys to a day at the theater seeing the Jungle Book. Nate is really into the jungle, so I figured it would be a great first play.

Well, I was right about Nate. He was excited and so happy when the show began. I neglected to take Jacob into account. Usually Jacob saves his tantrums for home and can sit on my lap quietly when in public. Not today.

Oh no, today Jacob began to yell as soon as the lights dimmed. Before the first line of the play could even be uttered, Jacob stole the thunder by shouting, "I HATE THIS. THIS IS SCARY!!! LET"S GO HOME!!!" Jacob has some speech articulation issues, but let me assure you everyone in theater understood him perfectly.

Nate was a champ. He desperately wanted to stay, but willingly followed us into the little soundproof glass room Imagination Stage has for just these cases. You can hear the actors, but they can't hear you.

Unfortunately we were not alone in the glass room. A women took her 2 grandchildren to the theater. Now even Nate knows that there is no talking during a play. I guess this women forgot that rule, because she felt the need to paraphrase and act as narrator for EVERY line in the play. I shushed her twice to no avail.

After twenty minutes we gave up and left the play. The theater was so nice and exchanged our 3 tickets for 2 tickets next Sunday. Jacob will stay home with a babysitter.

Oh well, so much for my special date with the boys.


Anonymous said...

you give Matt a hard time. I'm sure he's off doing something important or he would be home with you and the boys. I'll bet he's thinking of you all and will bring home fun things from his travels.

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