Monday, March 27, 2006

teed- off

I actually wrote a really long and decent post last night, but did not have time to finish it so I saved it as a draft. Somehow, it is missing. I am so bummed I cant think about rewriting it yet, so I will go eat some chocolate instead.


Anonymous said...

mmmm, chocolate.

We have not talked in a while, but I was pleasantly surprised when i found your blog through Sarah's 360 site.

It sounds like Nate and Jacob can keep you and Matt busy. :)

Arica and I stay busy with our new one, Morgan Olivia. (Arica will stay at home until June) She is just starting to sleep for 5-6 hours at a time (which is awesome).



Lynne Silver said...

Hey Charley, congrats on Morgan. Do you mean Sarah M"s 360 site? I dont even know what that is!