Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Last

I have been feeling a bit sad, or rather, nostalgic lately. Recently we decided nearly 99% that we are finished having kids. We like having our family of four, and I have no desire to be pregnant or deal with a newborn anytime in the foreseeable future.

Though I am comfortable with our decision, I keep getting pangs of sadness now that Jacob has turned two and is transitioning into new experiences. Two weeks ago, our Gymboree sessions ended, and I realized I was not ever going back. No more dancing with Gymbo or shaking and stopping the parachute. Unless I have another baby or a birthday party, there is no reason to go to Musikids or Gymboree ever again. Suddenly, it struck me as a big life transition. I am the mom of two boys, not babies.

In just a few short years, or year, weekends will be filled with soccer games and getting homework done on Sunday nights. Jacob starts preschool next month, and though I am excited for him, I suddenly feel unsure about my baby leaving the nest.

As one friend commented last night, it is not that things go downhill from here, it is just that they are different hills. I really like that analogy. The baby/preschool years have definitly felt like a hill we've been climbing, and now Nate is nearly finished and Jacob is halfway up the hill. I like feeling that there are many more hills to climb as a family rather than plateauing out.

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