Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I've got the vomit

Welcome to my little corner of Hell. Friday night I felt a bit nauseated. Saturday morning, nausea turned into full fledged vomit. It is now Wednesday, and I am only just beginning to hold down solid food.

Thank goodness for family, specifically my mother in law, who showed up fearlessly (the threat of vomit contaigion was strong) and took care of the boys. Despite the hours she put in, I still had to drag my ass out of bed and help with finding missing jaguar stuffed animals, changing diapers and preparing meals when she was not here. Matt, of course, took a flight to Vegas for the week. He assured me it was round-trip, but I have my doubts.

Cause honestly, if I had the opportunity, I might not return to a house full of the vomit. Again, how do single parents do this? And I don't even have to leave the house to go to work. Please, please, whoever wins this endless election, DO something about childcare in this country!!!

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