Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Poor Baby

Jacob had surgery today. He had ear tubes put in and his adenoids removed. Poor little guy. We debated how much to tell him prior to the surgery. Since he is only 2 1/2, we did not think he would understand much, so we just told him we were going to the doctor, and Dr. Jack would fix his ears.

Several friends' children had this done, and they warned the hardest part was seeing them go under the anaesthesia. We only have one car, so Matt & I had to juggle responsibilties on surgery day. I thought about it, and I chose the cowardly route. I just did not think I could watch one of my babies get put to sleep. Matt took Jacob & I waited at home with Nate. Once Nate was picked up, I raced to the hospital in time to be there when Jacob woke up.

Is there anything worse than seeing your child sick? And thank god I don't know from truly sick.

OK, I am off. It has been a tiring day getting covered in tears and vomit.

1 comment:

Jami said...

So glad Jacob is doing well! And I don't think you were a's hard on you watching them go under but hard on both you and the child when he wakes up!