Friday, March 10, 2006

He Speaketh!

The weather was so beautiful tonight, we all went for a walk after Shabbat dinner. We strolled over to the dog park on Ft. Reno hill. Nate & Matt were at the top of the hill when Jacob began to point and call, "Net, Net, Net!"

I just about fell over. Jacob has a pretty extensive vocabulary and regularly calls Mama & Dada, but had yet to acknowledge his brother by name. We figured it was because Nate has so many alter-egos, Jacob could not figure out whether his name was Superman, Bob, Diego, or Firefighter. He apparently figured it out tonight and vocally made it clear.

I am so happy since I really want the boys to be super close. I always thought it was so cool in highschool when brothers would hang out together. I really want Net & Jake to do that. I am considering forcing them to share a room to induce bonding. I have this naive vision of them huddling in bed-tents and giggling and conspiring against Matt & me. That would be great- I want to promote togetherness.

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