Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A New York Minute

We took the kids to New York this weekend, or as Nate calls it, Metropolis. I was curious to see the Manhattan moms and kids in their natural habitat. My perception has been that NY parents are slightly more neurotic and high-strung on parenting. Perhaps I would be too, if I had to pay $30K for preschool.

Some Observations:
1. Other than the more expensive clothes, the Manhattan moms and Upper NW moms were pretty similar. At lunch on the Upper East Side, I sat next to 2 toddlers and their moms. The girls were wearing school uniform like jumpers lined with Burberry trim. At the next table a mom and her toddler were having lunch. She looked very laid back till she got up to leave and pulled on a floor-length mink. No one I know owns or ever wears mink, especially to pick your toddler up from school.

2. Babies and toddlers in NYC see the world from behind a clear plastic curtain. 99% of strollers I saw (the other 1% were tourists) had their children protected with those clear plastic rain hoods. There was not a cloud in the sky the entire time I was there. I wonder what they were shielding their children from.

3. The Children's museum of Manhattan is a very fun place to take your toddlers.

And thus concludes my Metropolis observations. Though, I can't imagine raising my boys in the city. Just running errands like the grocery store is a pain in the arse. DC is a perfect combination of suburban city for me.

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