Monday, May 15, 2006

Did I say that out loud?

I was at the pediatrician this afternoon getting my baby checked for strep or an ear infection. Just a bronchial infection that 10 days of antibiotics should clear up. I always find the waiting room at the pediatrician interesting for people watching, because parents tend to be on their hyper-vigilant behavior.

Today for example, a mom left the bill-paying counter to snap at her two sons who were engaged in a very minor dispute, "let go of each other now or we will get in the car and go home now!" Uhm, Mom, hate to break it to you, but you're at the doctor's. Your boys want to go home!

Don't think that I am criticizng the mom though. She was simply caught in an "oops, did I say that out loud" moment. We all have them. On days when I don't get enough sleep, I find myself babbling idle threats to the boys about losing pajamas or toys or park days. I eventually shut up when Nate's eyes glaze over and he treats me like white noise.

Positive discipline is all about words that count and have meaning that your children believe. I think, and this is a total generalization, that husbands are very guilty of the bad, idle threats. I know my husband can get so frustrated after a build-up of misbehavior, and blurt out ridiculous consequences. They are such poor choices, I usually end up lauging. Come on sweetie, are you really going to remove his shoes and make him walk barefoot forever? Or, never ever read him a bedtime story again.?

It is so hard when you are caught in the heat of the moment not to shout out the first punishment that comes to mind, but worth it when you come up with the right, logical consequence and you can positively modify behavior.

What are some of the worst/ridiculous things you have said aloud to your kids while disicplining them?

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