Saturday, June 03, 2006


We did it! We have been talking for months about it, and we finally did it. We got a pet. Well, make that 5 pets, now down to 3. What kind of pet you may ask. Why goldfish of course!

My husband took Nate to a carnival supposedly to introduce him to rides and games. I think Matt really just wanted some fried dough and cotton candy. So they went and they ate junk food and they played games, and they won all the usual carnival junk, including a goldfish.

Obviously the goldfish came homeless with no worldy posessions other than his plastic bag and dirty water. After the boys went to bed, my husband and I placed our bets on how long the goldfish would last. Matt won the bet with his money on "dead by morning." I optimistically gave him 2 days.

With such forecasts, Matt drove out to Petco at 9:00 pm to buy a small tank and extra fish and fish food. He came home armed with a teeny tank and some friends for the carney fish dubbed Nemo by my boys. (or Momo, by the baby who can't say Nemo).

It was so fun to see their faces light up in the morning when they saw the tank with 3 fish swimming around. Sadly, byt lunchtime Nemo and one other were dead. Nate took it well. (See previous posts on talking death with Nate). Matt once again set out for Pet-co and came home with a much larger tank and 2 more fish.

It is now bedtime, and I am hopeful we will not have to talk about death again tomorrow.

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